In 1998 AD, on March 12, several persons formally confirmed the creation and determined the form of the state structure of the Adamantan state. On the same day, the coat of arms of Adamantan was approved as the structure of the hydrocarbon adamantane on the golden field of the scarlet shield in a golden edging (later reformed).On the same day, the supreme authority was created - the Senate, which at that time consisted of all the founders of Adamantan, and the role of the spiritual leader of Adamantan - Archbishop Alexander, and the secular head - King Andrew was also confirmed. Senator Dmitry was elected as the Lord Chancellor of the Senate.

During 1998-2000 AD, Adamantan experienced an era of rapid development and state building: the Adamantan Royal Academy of Sciences was created (later reformed), about 20 new citizens were admitted, some of whom were awarded the senatorial title; the Constitution was developed and adopted, which fixed the structure of Adamantan as a state consisting of three branches: secular, headed by the head of state - the king, spiritual, nourished by the archbishop and republican traditions and privileges of citizens, which were called upon to protect and represent the highest authority - the Senate. In the heraldry of the king, the golden background symbolized, the episcopate - red, the senate - a chess field and white.

The 1998 AD constitution defined Adamantan as a set of territories controlled by Adamantan citizens and gave them the broadest powers to arrange and manage these territories. In fact, the principles of subsidiarity, extraterritoriality, and fragmentation of the state structure were introduced.2001 AD turned out to be a turning point for Adamantan. There was a crisis of public administration, and democratic, and republican institutions hardly fulfilled their role, which affected the effectiveness of decision-making necessary to respond to the new conditions for the existence of the state.

However, the Senate, strictly following the prescriptions and norms of the 1998 AD constitution, at several meetings, with the approval of the Supreme Constitutional Court, consistently introduced the necessary changes to the Constitution, which it later abolished; also, by successive decisions of the Senate, most of the normative acts that were in force in Adamantan were abolished and all the privileges, positions and titles of Adamantan were abolished, except for the archbishop, titles and positions of the Association of Private Laboratories and civil rights, the monarchy was also abolished, while King Andrew remained the first and honorary head of the virtual state. All power, including its constituent functions, was transferred pro temporo to the archbishop until the restoration of the functions of the Senate and other state institutions.

Despite the crisis, at this time, Adamantan was replenished with new citizens, mainly due to and thanks to the organization of the Private Laboratories Association (PLA), which brought together people who are not indifferent to science and technology, to exchange experience, communicate and jointly achieve common goals. In 2004 AD, the PLA had about 15 members, and since 2001, according to the Senate resolution, it has been defined in the constitution as an autonomous self-governing part of Adamantan with the right to grant Adamantan citizenship by the president of the PLA presidium.

At the moment, within Adamantan and PLA, the structure and symbolism are being streamlined, and the foundations of domestic and foreign policy based on consensus were being developed.

Also, the adoption of new citizens was carried out, and a new bishop Alexander (Primus in pecto) was elevated to dignity.

The process of state building of Adamantan has not been completed so far and continues to develop.